“Help! My rabbit digs out his litter from his box!“

Rabbits love to dig. Digging is a basic need of rabbits. Especially favoured are sand boxes, which can be used indoors, too, or in a paved outdoor enclosure. Every rabbit should have a digging box or a suitable ground for digging. With a box filled with sand for children’s sandboxes, one can stop a rabbit from spreading litter all over the enclosure. It makes sense to acquire a box with a high side.

Tip for a link: Tipps and Ideas for digging boxes

Additionally, the litter in the box should be replaced by wooden pellets (you can get them in a pet store or as “heating pellets” in a hardware store). Above the pellets add a layer of straw. Wooden pellets are not that easy to dig in.

Sexually active female rabbits dig extensively. Here you can find tips to relieve the phantom pregnancy. A litter box with a high entrance and high sides helps to prevent digging. Wooden pellets with a top layer of straw are ideal to reduce digging, too.

A toilet with a rim prevents digging (anti-burrowing toilet). Wood pellets with straw on top are ideal to reduce digging.

Usually, rabbits that are not kept properly, will dig extensively. Rabbits like to dig out the whole litter, especially in their cage. This behavior is due to extensive boredom. The rabbits have no opportunities to exercise properly, and they have no activities to engage in, except for the digging. A partner, a spacious digging box and an enclosure instead of a cage will be proper counter-measures. A litter box with a high entrance and high sides helps to prevent digging. Wooden pellets with a top layer of straw are ideal to reduce digging, too.